Building Custom Collections

Chapter 15 covered the standard query operators—that is, the extension methods on IEnumerable<T> that provide methods common to all collections. However, these operators do not make all collections equally suited for all tasks; there is still a need for different collection types. Some collections are better suited to searching by key, whereas others are better suited to accessing items by position. Some collections act like queues: The first element in is the first out. Others are more like stacks: The first element in is the last out. Others are not ordered at all.

The .NET frameworks provide a plethora of collection types suited to many of the scenarios in which collections are needed. This chapter introduces some of these collection types and the interfaces they implement. It also describes how to create custom-built collections that support standard functionality, such as indexing. In addition, it explores the use of the yield return statement to create classes and methods that implement IEnumerable<T>. This feature1 greatly simplifies implementation of collections that can be enumerated with the foreach statement.

Many nongeneric collection classes and interfaces are available in the Microsoft .NET Framework, but in general, these exist today only for backward compatibility with code written before generics came into use. The generic collection types are both faster, because they avoid boxing costs, and more type-safe than the nongeneric collections. Thus, new code should almost always use the generic collection types exclusively. Throughout this book, we assume that you are primarily using generic collection types.

More Collection Interfaces

We’ve already seen how collections implement IEnumerable<T>, the primary interface that enables iteration over the elements of a collection. Many additional interfaces exist that are implemented by more complex collections. Figure 17.1 shows the hierarchy of interfaces implemented by collection classes.

Figure 17.1: Collection class hierarchy

These interfaces provide a standard way to perform common tasks such as iterating, indexing, and counting elements in a collection. This section examines these interfaces (at least all of the generic ones), starting at the bottom of Figure 17.1 and moving upward.

IList<T> versus IDictionary<TKey, TValue>

An English-language dictionary can be thought of as a collection of definitions. A specific definition can be rapidly accessed by looking up its associated “key”—that is, the word being defined. A dictionary collection class is similarly a collection of values, in which each value can be rapidly accessed by using its associated unique key. Note, however, that a language dictionary typically stores the definitions sorted alphabetically by key; a dictionary class might choose to do so but typically does not. Dictionary collections are best thought of as an unordered list of keys and associated values unless specifically documented as being ordered. Similarly, one does not normally think of looking up “the sixth definition in the dictionary”; dictionary classes usually provide indexing only by key, not by position.

A list, by contrast, stores values in a specific order and accesses them by their position. In a sense, lists are just the special case of dictionaries where the “key” is always an integer and the “key set” is always a contiguous set of non-negative integers starting with zero. Nevertheless, that is a strong enough difference that it is worth having an entirely different type to represent it.

Thus, when selecting a collection class to solve some data storage or retrieval problem, the first two interfaces to look for are IList<T> and IDictionary<TKey, TValue>. These interfaces indicate whether the collection type is focused on retrieval of a value when given its positional index or retrieval of a value when given its associated key.

Both of these interfaces require that a class that implements them provide an indexer. In the case of IList<T>, the operand of the indexer corresponds to the position of the element being retrieved: The indexer takes an integer and gives you access to the nth element in the list. In the case of the IDictionary<TKey, TValue> interface, the operand of the indexer corresponds to the key associated with a value and gives you access to that value.


Both IList<T> and IDictionary<TKey, TValue> implement ICollection<T>. A collection that does not implement either IList<T> or IDictionary<TKey, TValue> will more than likely implement ICollection<T> (although not necessarily, because collections could implement the lesser requirement of IEnumerable or IEnumerable<T>). ICollection<T> is derived from IEnumerable<T> and includes two members: Count and CopyTo().

The Count property returns the total number of elements in the collection. Initially, it might appear that this would be sufficient to iterate through each element in the collection using a for loop, but, in fact, the collection would also need to support retrieval by index, which the ICollection<T> interface does not include (although IList<T> does include it).
The CopyTo() method provides the ability to convert the collection into an array. This method includes an index parameter so that you can specify where to insert elements in the target array. To use the method, you must initialize the array target with sufficient capacity, starting at the index, to contain all the elements in ICollection<T>.


1. Starting in C# 2.0.
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